Club History

Since its founding in the early 1990s, Sun Country Terrier Club has grown, changed, expanded and thrived. Over three decades the dream of four Terrier enthusiasts has turned into a club with members across six states and two countries with new members joining on a quarterly basis. This page will capture the rich history of the club from the early days to where we are nowadays.

The club historian is presently collecting all kinds of historic artifacts, whether it is photos, videos, letters, brochures, catalogues, or even a doodle on a napkin. Please bring anything related to the club’s history either to our monthly club meetings, or send them via email.

This page is currently being updated.

Latest Entry:

Click to download a copy of the November 2014 Newsletter.

October 2014

Upcoming Events – Mark Your Calendars!!!

The next general membership meeting will be held TONIGHT, Wednesday November 5, 2014. The program will be on Canine Movement. Our regular meetings begin at 7:00pm and are held at the Paradise Valley Community Center which is located just north of Bell Road, off of 40th Street.

Our annual meeting is November 1st at 7PM at the Paradise Valley Community Center. The Holiday Party is December 6th at the beautiful home of Susi Pallos at 5:30PM. Please refer to the member roster for address. This will be a potluck and sign-up sheets will be at the November meeting or at the match. The club will purchase the main meat dish. There will be a hat contest as that was fun last year along with a gift exchange ($10-15 max) for those who want to participate in the exchange. Watch for your invitation. We need tables and chairs for the event so plan to bring them to the match on November 23rd or arrange to get them to Susie prior to the event (before Nov. 30th) so she can plan the right table coverings.

The SCTC Board will meet next on November 25th at 7pm at the Lucas home.
Our 2014 match on November 23, 2014 is covered later in this newsletter. Pre-entry and day of match entries will be taken per the entry form.
The fall shows are upon us!!! Arizona shows are in Tucson on November 7th-10th at the racetrack (Onofrio but is already closed for entries) and then the 14th-17th at the Fairgrounds (Bradshaw and also already closed for entries). The next set of shows are in Yuma from October 28th to December 1st (Bradshaw with CLOSING DATE for entries on November 12, 2014).

We have a great coordinator for Handling Class! Janice Arenofsky has taken over this responsibility for the members of the club to provide this wonderful training opportunity. Please contact her to put your name on the list for the upcoming sessions now. Her e-mail address is [email protected] Please e-mail her to get on her announcement list for updates on the Saturday or Sunday morning classes (times, cancellations due to shows, etc.) As these are free classes, everyone is asked to volunteer to teach at least one class throughout the year. All that is needed is a grooming table, patience and punctuality! Don’t be afraid to offer your services despite your ring experience – it is for the dogs to get ring experience and a time for socialization, and handlers to have fun!
Dog events for conformation, agility, obedience, and more are found at . Please note that we are having some technical issues on the website so refer to show web sites for detailed information.


EDITORS NOTE: The Sun Country Terrier Club newsletter will be published on a quarterly basis with forgiveness for my crazy schedule! Any and all input is greatly appreciated. If you would like articles, recipes, etc included in the next newsletter, please forward all information to Leslie Miller at [email protected] . All items are printed as submitted unless permission granted to modify, correct, or alter in any way. Regular meeting minutes will not be included in the newsletter as they are read at each meeting and accepted/approved by the members at that time. Board minutes will be included.
Hard copies of this newsletter available by request from [email protected]. Sun Country Terrier Club Board and Committee Chairs


Recipe for Humans
2 cups baby kale
2 cups frozen berries (your choice)
1 large carrot
1 banana
1⁄2 cup pineapple (fresh is better but…)
2-3 cups cold water
1-2 drops of orange essential oil
1⁄2 cup almonds (optional but adds protein)

Blend in motorized blender or smoothie machine until smooth. Add ice if desired and enjoy!!


Fun email I received recently and since it is almost Thanksgiving I am providing it for the belly laugh that I did when I read it!!!

Dear Family,
I’m not dead yet. Thanksgiving is still important to me. If being in my Last Will and Testament is important to you, then you might consider being with me for my favorite holiday. Dinner is at 2:00, NOT 2:15, NOT 2:05, TWO 2:00 !!!

Arrive late and you get what’s left over. Last year, that moron in our family fried a turkey in one of those contraptions and practically burned the deck off the house.
This year, the only peanut oil used to make the meal will be from the secret scoop of peanut butter I add to the carrot soup. Son, your last new wife was an idiot. You don’t arrive at someone’s house on Thanksgiving needing to use the oven and the
stove. Honest to God, I thought you might have learned after two wives – date them longer and save us all the agony of another divorce.

Now, the house rules are slightly different this year because I have decided that 47% of you don’t know how to take care of nice things. Paper plates and red Solo cups might be bad for the environment, but I’ll be gone soon and that will be your
problem to deal with.

House Rules:
1. The University of Texas no longer plays Texas A&M on Thanksgiving. The television stays off during the meal.
2. The “No cans for kids” rule still exists. We are using 2 liter bottles because your children still open a third can before
finishing the first two. Parents can fill a child’s cup when it is empty. All of the cups have names on them and I’ll be paying close attention to refills.
3. Daughter, last year we were at your friend’s house and I looked the other way when your Jell-O salad showed up. This year, if Jell-O salad comes in the front door it will go right back out the back door with the garbage. Save yourself some
time, honey. You’ve never been a good cook and you shouldn’t bring something that wiggles more than you. Buy something from the bakery.
4. Grandmothers give grandchildren cookies and candy. That is a fact of life. Your children can eat healthy at your home. At my home, they can eat whatever they like as long as they finish it.
5. I cook with bacon and bacon grease. That’s nothing new. Your being a vegetarian doesn’t change the fact that stuffing without bacon is like egg salad without eggs. Even the green bean casserole has a little bacon grease in it. That’s why it tastes so good. Not eating bacon is just not natural. And as far as being healthy… look at me. I’ve outlived almost everyone I know.
6. Salad at Thanksgiving is a waste of space.
7. I do not like cell phones. Leave them in the car.
8. I do not like video cameras. There will be 20 people here. I am sure you can capture lots of memories without the camera pointed at me.
9. Being a mother means you have to actually pay attention to the kids. I have nice things and I don’t put them away just because company is coming over. Daughters and Sons, watch your kids and I’ll watch my things.
10. Son, a cat that requires a shot twice a day is a cat that has lived too many lives. I think staying home to care for the cat is your way of letting me know that I have lived too many lives too. I can live with that. Can you?
11. Words mean things. I say what I mean. Let me repeat: You don’t need to bring anything. It means you don’t need to bring anything. And if I did tell you to bring something, bring it in the quantity I said. Really, this doesn’t have to be difficult.
12. Domino’s and cards are better than anything that requires a battery or an on/off switch. That was true when you were kids and it’s true now that you have kids.
13. Showing up for Thanksgiving guarantees presents at Christmas. Not showing up guarantees a card that may or may not be signed.

In memory of your Grandfather, the back fridge will be filled with beer. Drink until it is gone. I prefer wine anyway. But one from each family needs to be the designated driver.
I really mean all of the above.

Love All of You,


President’s Message from Susan Lucas

Winter is almost here! We have had a few meetings after our summer hiatus and hope to see more of the members at the general meetings and especially our Holiday Party coming up in December which is a lot more fun than our meetings with great food and less business!

I want to wish all of you good luck this fall and winter if you are traveling to dog shows whether it be in states close by or more distant if you are lucky! I hope you are all successful and bring lots of brags to the next meeting.

It is a good time to revise your dog’s routines. Make sure they get their exercise in the nice temperatures of our fall and winter months. Hopefully they are more comfortable training and having fun outside this time of year.    It is also recommended that they have a quiet and cool down time before eating.


A Greenhorn’s Eukanuba REPRINTED FROM Spring 2012 Newsletter by request!

After a little more than a year of getting Tilly to the finish line, she was invited to compete at Eukanuba.    Some people wouldn’t be so excited but the title of this article says it all. Of course, we were going! That is, if Christian was also going. He convinced me to enter the three shows prior, as well. So, off we were December 13th on our SW flight along with a whole bunch of “service dogs” also on the plane. The East coast people must have it right. Florida is full of unhealthy old people, I guess. As the flight attendants said, we had a whole lot of dogs on that plane and a few people as well.    While going through security Jeanne Popovits spotted me so I knew I wouldn’t be all alone in Orlando. Once on the plane and seated, Alison and Leslie Miller showed up and sat right in front of me. I sat with a two judges from Strawberry so I was surrounded by dog friendly people which eased my anxiety about stuffing Tilly under the seat. She traveled beautifully.

So Day 1 was here and off I went to the convention site. I didn’t rent a car as my hotel information stated it was only .6 mile from the convention center. Plus they advertised trolleys and buses up and down that road. No problem. I walk two to three miles every morning with the dogs. So off I went on foot to give Tilly some time to do her business in route. When I thought I should have been there by now, I began to question how Florida measures miles. Finally, I am in and find Christian. I leave Tilly with him and start to look around. Decide that Phoenix does not have the corner on concrete. Show time. She takes her usual spot as bridesmaid. Day 2 comes with the same outcome. By now, I swear I have walked a million miles, convinced I have a shin splint, want to cut my feet off and wonder if I should just steal a Segway. Decide against that and decide I am definitely taking the trolley back to the hotel. Well, sweet. They don’t allow dogs on. Walk home but take the trolley to some outlets and buy two new pairs of shoes.

Day 3 arrives. Still have wonderful show time (meaning not 8 a.m.) Bridesmaid once again. Go watch some agility. Remember, I have a new lease on feet. About now, I run into Leslie, Alison, and Addison. I get to hold little Addison for a bit while Leslie takes video of Alison in the ring Supply that night. She is such a good baby. Once that is done, Leslie and discuss what we have on our agendas. She wants to go the concert that night, featuring Air Supply. I, too, was planning on going and already had my ticket. Alison gave us “the look”. I recognized “the look” as I had gotten the same one from Christian earlier. It is the same one that Jenny gave me when I said I don’t have text messaging on my phone. This “look” doesn’t daunt Leslie or me and we are going!

Concert time arrives after two more sprints to the hotel. We are hyped! They have an open bar and free munchies and real chairs. Everything we needed. And then……it started. Wow! The place started rocking and Leslie was out of her chair and at the stage. I, in my usual reserved manner, at least stayed by my chair. Next song began. The room full of people, including me, was up front by the stage, rockin’! Oh those stupid people that didn’t come to this are missing it. Leslie calls Alison. Either Alison denied knowing her or couldn’t hear her as there wasn’t a conversation. I call my sister (why I do not know). She hangs up on me believing she has some drunk on the line. And then….Lordy, the guys came down to the audience and sang directly to some very lucky people. (God, those guys look old.) Now all of this just isn’t enough for Leslie. She follows them back to the stage (well, almost on the stage) and gets a guitar pick that one of them drops. Memories. And then, dang. Two hours and it is over. We leave, two rockin’ grammas smiling ear to ear!    Thanks for the memories!

Now, the BIG weekend arrives. Terriers show on Sunday so pretty free for the day. Go watch some agility and then go looking at all the neat Meet the Breed booths. Some people are very talented and put a lot of effort into this with very clever displays. Take Tilly to do time with the Lakeland club. We are tucked in a rather out of the way corner so people visitors are fewer than in some other areas. But it gave me time to visit with people I had just met at Montgomery. The big Saturday night show starts after another walk to and from the hotel. What a surprise. Doesn’t look near as impressive as it does on TV. But, didn’t have to walk back to the hotel as I hitched a ride with one of those bike cab things. Went so fast I had to close my eyes because my contacts were going to fly out. Finally, the day. 8 a.m. showtime. My alarm fails to go off (must have been that I didn’t set it correctly). Supposed to have Tilly with Christian at 6:30. I wake up at 6:20. Tilly doesn’t move. I throw toothpaste, brush, makeup, etc, in grocery bag, grab Tilly off the bed and fly out the door. The best I have ever walked it is 15 minutes. That isn’t going to work. Coerce a taxi driver to take me (they don’t even want dogs) and get there at 6:35. Give Christian my purse and bag full of goodies while I take Tilly out to potty. At last, Christian has Tilly and I proceed to restroom to wash with paper towels and do the rest. Plenty of time. Line for coffee is 3 miles long. No patience to wait so skip it. All there is to do is go wait ringside. Watch the Kerry Blues and am torn with the results. Finally, the Lakelands. Tilly showed the best she had all week. But then, of course, Gabriel was in the ring. He hadn’t won any of the previous three days so I felt it was anybody’s game. But fate was not on my side. Gabriel and Iron Van Foliny took it with Tilly being the bridesmaid once again. Still, I am very proud to obtain BOO at a show like this. Again, attend the evening show and still not near as impressed as when watching it on TV. Yes, I had to walk home. Now, all that was left was to get home and try to do Christmas. . She slept on my lap all the way home.

We are back to “normal” and wouldn’t trade our Eukanuba experience for anything. Oh, nearly forgot. Congratulations are due to Christian and Jenny on their officially unofficial engagement. It is nice to see the both of them so happy.

From: Susi Pallos and Leslie Miller and again, thanks for the memories!


Doggie Recipe — Tempting Training Treats

Ingredients: 2 1/3 cups flour — all-purpose or whole wheat
1/4 cup olive oil 1/4 cup applesauce 1/2 cup grated cheese — like parmesan
1 large egg
1/4 cup powdered milk — non-fat

Instructions: Combine all ingredients in a large bowl; mix well; Roll the dough out to size of a cookie sheet; Pat the dough onto a lightly greased cookie sheet, bringing it to the edges. Using a sharp knife or a pizza cutter, cut desired sizes into dough (just score through). If you’re using as training treats, cut them into small pieces. Sprinkle a little extra cheese if desired on dough for flavor. Bake in a 350 degree oven about 15 minutes until golden brown. Turn off the oven and let cool for a few hours. They will keep hardening the longer you leave them. Break them apart; store tightly covered or in the freezer.


Check out the “Dog People” caricatures in the AKC Gazette On-­‐Line
We know some of them for sure!!!!
Check out Dave Peat’s!
Very funny!


The new website is UP at There are new items to see often. Take a look! Please also “LIKE” us on FACEBOOK!


Brags/Congratulations/Cries Submitted by SCTC Members at recent meetings and by email

From Nancy and Dwain Lentz (Norwich Terriers):
GCH. Dancy’s Rough Rider – “Ted” has had a very good few months.    On Sunday, 6/8 at Flagstaff Kennel Club, Ted went Group 1 under judge Patricia Lanctot. This was also handler – Nancy’s first Group 1 – so a very exciting day. At Great Western – Ted won BOB under judge Virginia Latham Smith with a packed specials field. Ted was then off to Texas to do some shows with handler, Betty Bossio. In the month of July, Ted did 13 shows, Dallas, San Antonio and Houston shows – Ted received 9 BOB’s, 1 BOS, and 2 Selects and a Group 2 – under judge Woody Wornall. After a 7 week respite, Ted was off to the West Central Oklahoma shows – Ted was Group 2 under David Kirkland, Group 1 under judges Dr. Alvin Krause, James Ham, and Dawn Hansen – ending the weekend with a Reserve BIS under James Ham on 9/7/2014. Ted remains the Number 1 Norwich Terrier by Breed points in the country.

Litters – these are both Brags and Crys…. We had 2 litters in July – less than 24 hours apart. On July 1st, GCH. Dancy’s Annie Get Your Gun – “Annie” had 1 female puppy by c-section. Sire – Ted. She passed away on July 2nd in the evening – looked beautiful. On July 2nd – GCH. Dancy’s Storm Warning – “Breezy” had 4 male and 1 female puppy. Sire – CH. Cobby’s Hidden Treasure – a repeat breeding of Ted.    All puppies were small, ranging from 2.4 ounces to 3.8 ounces – normal Norwich puppies are 5 – 8 ounces.    We lost the smallest male after 21 days – doing everything that we knew to do for him – Oxygen, sub Q fluids, tube feeding, etc.    The remaining 4 puppies have been a joy, they are all happy and healthy puppies today.

In the meantime, GCH. Dancy’s Rough Rider – “Ted” went out for 2 weekends with Betty Bossio, his handler to the West Central Oklahoma circuit and the Panhandle Texas circuit.    The first day – he was Group 2 under David Kirkland – and it just got better from there.    Ted finished the two weeks with 7 consecutive Group 1’s – judges Dr. Alvin Krause, James Ham, Dawn Hansen, Rodger Hartinger, Paula Hartinger, Virginia Latham Smith and Charles Olvis.    Ted was Reserve BIS on Sept 7th under James Ham.    Ted received his second Reserve BIS on 9/11 under Charles Olvis and his first Best in Show on 9/12 under Paula Hartinger.

We had a phenomenal weekend at Montgomery. BIS GCH. Dancy’s Rough Rider – “Ted” received an AOM on day 2 of Hatboro under judge Joseph Joly. Ted was Select Dog at Devon under judge Connie Clark. Ted wins Best of Breed at the Norwich Terrier Club of America National Specialty and made the “short list” in the terrier group at Montgomery. Breed judge – Sally George. Group judge – Roz Kramer.    Ted is now NSBIS BIS GCH. Dancy’s Rough Rider!

At the Tyler Texas Kennel Club – Ted was Group 1 under judge Judith Daniels.    The next weekend at the Chisholm Trail Classic in Belton, TX., Ted was Reserve BIS on 10/16/14 under judge Gale Young – group judge Charles Olvis. Ted went Group 1 the next day under judge Gale Young. Then on Sunday, Ted earned his 4th Reserve BIS under judge Allen Odom – group judge was Annemarie Moore.    Ted’s Excellent Adventure continues…..

Here is what Ted has been up to-
Tyler Texas KC – Group 1 under judge – Judith Daniels Stephenville KC of Texas – Group 1 under judge Charles Olvis – Reserve BIS under Gale Young Stephenville KC of Texas – Group 1 under judge Gale Young

Bell County KC of Texas – Group 1 under judge Annemarie Moore – Reserve BIS under Allen Odom Saline County KC of Arkansas – Group 2 under Carolyn Herbel Saline County KC of Arkansas – Group 1 under Norm Patton

On a different note – Dancy’s Calypso – “Caly” was Terrier Group 1 at her first match – Kachina Kennel Club.

Editor’s Note – The Lentz’s win for Brags!!!!! Now on to other club members:
Reported by others that Shirley Cole got a Group 1 in the Owner-Handler show in Prescott with her Mini-Schnauzer!

Kathy Kopack won a Group 3 in the same Owner-Handler show in Prescott with her Norfolk – good showing by our club members in Prescott!

The Dossett’s had a big win in Flagstaff with a 6mos old Smooth Fox Terrier by going BOB for a major and the littermate went Best in Sweeps at Great Western Show. Nice litter to say the least!

In an effort to get this out between business trips, I did not look up all the names of these winners….Sorry but we will hope to see all these winners at our match in person!!!!
Remember to email all your Brags and Cries to [email protected] please……and thank you for all the submittals for this edition!!! Please remember to submit your wins in Earthdog, Agility, and Obedience too!